Elections Matter! Whether you vote or not, you make a decision to either work--by deed and by voice--to change your situation or leave it to others to change how you exist for you.
Your action, inaction or symbolic action will contribute to your life results.
This Election is NOT about Policy; it is ABOUT how we will exist as free, independent individuals and communities in America. America should be governed by a President, Congress and Senate, and a Judiciary, not “ruled” by an Emperor.
Never has one individual possessed or had access to so much money that he could finance the replacement of any congressman or senator—and therefore force those officials who are in office to pass legislation that favors himself.
Never has one person been in the position to coerce (or force) the writing of policy that would impact every family program, who receives healthcare, regulations of behavior in the workplace, who has access to success in employment, what people may and can buy housing and own wealth, who has access to free education, how law enforcement may behave toward persons suspected of crime, regulate and terminate media groups that are unfavorable to him, castrate and manipulate the FBI and the DOJ. Now we exist in the process and the possibility of this very thing.
In our Country, we have talked about Constitutional amendments, and Conventions, but never has one individual been within the reach of suspending the founding, governing document of our nation.
Never before—at least since freedom from England—has this country been in danger of having one rich man or family desire and seek to unilaterally, control every aspect of how our country governs itself. This is possible with the termination or suspension of the Constitution. Is this what YOU want?
Never have Supreme court Justices—whose job it is to interpret laws in light of the Constitution in an unbiased, nonpartisan way—felt so pressured to carry out the will of one individual and defend his right to determine for the country what is right or wrong.
Never has such a large portion of our voting public believed created, unfounded statements about the Country, Officials, Communities, Elections, and Trial proceedings simply because one person said that something was so.
Never has there been a criminal who has been supported by over 70 million voting Americans for any Federal office much less the highest office (law enforcement) in our country, while un-convicted, individuals from minority groups, who cannot afford bail, nor the richest of attorneys languish in prisons without the right to vote even after many of them have paid for their crimes.
How will you exist? How do you want to exist? Make a Choice on how you want to live in this Country. We don’t need symbols or protests in this hour. Be responsible and be impactful. VOTE to develop the America that will keep the possibility of a "more perfect union;" a place where each of us is treated with equal fairness, an America that is truly a Democratic nation.